Stage 1
The work area will be dug to formation level using the excavator. Specified formation level will be compacted with a vibrating compaction plate if necessary.
Stage 2
The line of the retaining structure will be marked with a string line tied between pins. Apply concrete Haunch to first piece of Geogrid (150mm up from base of panel) followed by concrete toe at the front of post.
Stage 3
Place 100mm diameter UPVC perforated drainage pipe to suitable outfall to the rear of the concrete backfill. Drainage geo-composite to be wrapped around the drainage pipe and formed to the rear of the concrete backfill and cover with pea gravel.
Stage 4
Position plastic sleeves as per specified design, to create and allow a secure location for fence posts. Add further backfill, tamper lightly to specified design finished level.
Stage 5
Place the remainder of the concrete back- fill to the top section of GeoGrid and tamper lightly, ensuring that the GeoGrid is placed horizontally into the backfill to create a positive connection.
Stage 6
Complete landscaping and handrails/fence to complete the wall.